The expression is on everyone's lips, and yet many people are unaware of what a sebum cure really is. We help you see more clearly with this true/false to better experience this famous transition period!

Sebum production is a reaction to avoid: FALSE


Sebum is the lipid film secreted by our sebaceous glands, helping to protect the hair by lubricating the hair fiber and preventing dryness. Produced in too large quantities, it is responsible for the greasy hair effect.

However, we must not forget its benefits for our hair. Opting for a transition period means guaranteeing good hydration for your hair, resting your scalp and allowing sebum production to self-regulate. In short, it means opting for a mane that is as healthy as it is radiant, but also spacing out your shampoos naturally! Please note that sebum treatment should only be used in the event of an acute problem because it can carry risks. In general, a routine with a boar bristle brush is sufficient.

No need for sebum treatment when our hair is already oily: FALSE


Contrary to popular belief, an oily hair type does not exclude benefiting from the treatment. Everyone would benefit from a sebum treatment. In practice, it is possible to do just one and then adopt a hair care routine with its boar bristle brush and space out shampoos. Another option: carry out several sebum treatments during the year, for example every 3 months, according to your needs. Obviously, fine and straight hair will tend to regrease quickly compared to thick, curly or frizzy hair - the first effects of which will be slower, and therefore less visible. A tip to prevent your hair from appearing too greasy: change your pillowcase regularly during and after your treatment.

A sebum treatment involves a mandatory transition period: TRUE


A sebum treatment, to be fully effective, lasts approximately 1 month. During this time, no shampoo is allowed — which leads to the systematic appearance of greasy-looking hair, which we would tend to want to make disappear with a good shampoo! However, we must make the effort.

Certain hairstyles can help hide the fatty appearance of your hair. The good news is that although we consider the sebum treatment to last approximately one month — it can vary and last less depending on certain factors. In fact, we can consider the treatment complete once the sebum has reached the ends. 2 to 3 weeks may be enough for the shortest hair. Also, the thicker and longer your hair, the longer it will take to reach the ends.

Is the sebum treatment too difficult to maintain? You don't have an acute sebum problem? So the routine with a boar bristle brush is the best solution to clean up sebum production. This alternative will allow you to experience this transition period more peacefully!

During a sebum treatment, you brush your hair morning and evening: TRUE


So that the sebum can reach your ends correctly, brushing is an essential step in the smooth running of your sebum treatment. Morning and evening, we make a point of taking the time to indulge in this beauty gesture — ridding the scalp of impurities that clog the pores in addition to distributing the serum throughout the hair.

Be careful, however, not to forget to use a high-quality boar bristle brush, like the Altesse Studio brushes. However, remember to wash your brush carefully , which collects excess sebum, dust and all other impurities from your scalp over time.

Once the sebum treatment is completed, you return to your usual hair routine: FALSE


After successfully completing this one-month treatment, it would be a shame to cancel out all the benefits of your sebum treatment by resuming an unsuitable routine. Once at the end of the treatment, the scalp is free of chemical agents that can be found in certain hair products. The idea is therefore to continue this path by opting for shampoos and hair care without harmful agents. The low-poo trend, translated as “fewer shampoos”, is also one of the alternatives to bet on in order to space out your shampoos and prolong the benefits of the sebum treatment. In addition, it is important to continue the ritual of careful brushing with a boar hair brush, which provides the hair with many benefits.

Did you know ? More than just hydrated, shiny, voluminous and healthy hair, you'll also get hair that grows faster!