Sometimes underestimated, brushing is the first step in caring for your lengths and improving the quality of your hair naturally. Altesse Studio reveals why and how to make brushing part of your hair routine.

Hair routine: the thousand and one natural benefits of brushing

The hairbrush is one of the essential accessories found in every bathroom. Without it, it's impossible to take care of your hair. And it's been around for centuries (the first hairbrush dates back to Ancient Egypt). But while brushing hair is a reflex, its benefits are sometimes underestimated. 

In fact, brushing is much more than just a way of styling and detangling your hair, it's also a natural way of caring for your hair's beauty: 

  • It promotes blood circulation in the scalp and tones the roots, facilitating regrowth;
  • It eliminates impurities (dust, pollen, pollution, etc.) accumulated throughout the day;
  • It gives them shine, softness and suppleness naturally thanks to boar bristles , which is able to distribute natural oils from roots to tips; 
  • It adds volume to your hair and smoothes frizz. 

Brushing your hair: the best trick for spacing out shampoos

Brushing hair is also a natural, effective solution that gradually allows you to space out your shampoos. In fact, brushing helps reduce natural oils at the roots and distribute it more evenly from length to tip. Brushing after brushing, hair is nourished and protected. They regain their shine and suppleness, all without looking greasy. As a result, your hair will be lighter for longer, allowing you to space out your shampoos. Brushing is therefore a healthy gesture for your hair and for the planet, since it's water-free and reduces the need for hair care products. 

The effects will be visible after just a few weeks. Allow 1 to 3 weeks for short hair, 3 to 5 weeks for medium-length hair and 5 to 8 weeks for long hair for natural oils to spread from roots to ends. 

Please note: Altesse Studio brushes have been tested by our consumers, revealing real effectiveness and results in terms of hair quality. For example, 94% of users surveyed found that Altesse Studio brushes smoothed hair and reduced frizz, 92% that they added shine and 87% that they ensured good distribution of natural oils. 

Hair routine: how do I brush my hair properly?

Like your face, your hair needs special attention. And before being treated with conditioners or masks, your hair needs to be brushed properly. How can I do this? With the help of a quality brush and a hair routine that includes two simple gestures: detangling and care brushing.

Level 1: untangle

The right timing for detangling Detangling: in the evening. Detangling your hair before bed helps remove the knots accumulated by the day's activities (wind, subway, sports, tied-up hair...).

The right way to detangle The professional way. Brush, starting at the tips and working your way up to the roots.

The right detangling brush Choose a brush with a natural latex tire and soft, multiple, tapered nylon fibers for precise yet gentle detangling.

Did you know? Detangling can be done on wet or dry hair, wet hair being more fragile because it's still full of water. For curly hair, you can detangle before shampooing.


Level 2: brushing and caring for lengths

The right timing In the evening, just as you remove your make-up.

The right gesture For a complete and effective treatment, use the mythical technique of 100 brush strokes.

  • Brush your hair 25 times, head down, from the nape of the neck to the ends;
  • Brush your hair 25 times with your head tilted to the left, from right ear to left ear;
  • Brush your hair 25 times with your head tilted to the right, from left ear to right ear;
  • Brush your hair 25 times, head straight, from the base of the forehead to the back of the head.

The right brush For this part of the hair care routine, choose a version made from boar bristles. A natural fiber rich in keratin, it helps distribute natural oils over the lengths, leaving them shiny and supple.

Did you know? Brushing your hair before going to bed, with a brush made from boar bristles, helps to nourish your hair overnight by distributing natural oils more evenly over your lengths.


Level 3: the skincare routine to get the day off to a good start

As part of your morning beauty routine, repeat the care step of your hair care routine and its 100 brush strokes to nourish and protect your hair for the day.

The plus? You'll add volume and structure to your hair, as if you'd had a blow-dry.

By adopting this hair routine, you'll take care of your hair and improve its quality in a 100% natural way.