The vast majority of people tend to wash their heads every day. Their aim: to achieve perfect hair that's as shiny as it is voluminous. However, this habit is a mistake which, on the contrary, will disrupt the proper care of your hair fiber. Here's how it works.

We all tend to want Rapunzel hair too much! Perhaps you recognize yourself in this portrait, where shampooing becomes an almost systematic phase in every shower. And yet, the secret to beautiful hair lies in a good hair routine - that is, coupling conscientious brushing with an intelligent frequency of hair washing.


Spacing out your shampoos: why is it better for your hair?

In your quest for perfection, you make the mistake of washing your hair too much. Fortunately, this laudable intention is a reversible blunder. To better understand the process to follow, it's essential to know the real purpose of spacing out your shampoos in the future. First of all, to save time. As even the longest-haired know, one shampoo can extend the showering time by ten to twenty minutes, depending on the length and type of your hair. But shampooing too often - often using harsh products - also damages the scalp. The result: your hair fiber's natural production of natural oils is disrupted, and your hair rapidly regrays. Another drawback: in some cases, dandruff can appear - both flaking your scalp and leaving behind whitish fragments visible on the crown of your head and on your clothes.

Spacing out shampoos: the importance of the transition period

The remedy for rapidly greasy hair and increased flaking is simple: lift your feet and space out the frequency of your shampoos. While this may seem like a childish request, most people find it hard to stick to it and revert to their usual habits. The reason: the transition period. Underneath this obscure term lies the longest and most difficult stage of the process. Each individual reacts differently - since we are all singular beings - and so the transition period cannot be predefined for anyone. By spacing out your shampoos at a rate of 2, maximum 3 washes per week, you'll certainly have the impression of having sticky, dirty hair. However, it's important to break the vicious circle of daily washing which, contrary to popular belief, encourages the production of natural oils. Paradoxically, you'll have to wait for your hair to get used to this new rhythm to regulate the excess natural oils secreted. However, there's nothing more effective than a good daily hair-brushing ritual to prolong the cleanliness of your hair between shampoos.

Spacing out shampoos: the usefulness of a hairbrush boar bristles

Naturally healthy, clean hair is achieved through the right equation of conscious brushing and a timed shampooing routine. To optimize results - and minimize the transition period - opt for a brush made from boar bristles Altesse Studio . This universal fiber is ideally suited to ridding your hair of the impurities it accumulates throughout the day, such as environmental particles and dust.

With at least two brushings a day with a Altesse Studio brush, this transition can be rapid: between 1 and 2 months. More precisely, count on: just 1 to 3 weeks for short hair, 3 to 5 weeks for medium-length hair and 5 to 8 weeks for long hair for natural oils to spread from roots to ends.

Please note: our customer tests show real results once the transition has been made. Generally speaking, after just 4 weeks, 92% of consumers surveyed revealed that usinga boar bristles Altesse Studio brush did indeed bring shine to their hair, 87% noted a good distribution of natural oils and 94% also claimed to have smoother hair with less frizz.

To restore hair's vitality and ideal shine, it must be treated from the roots upwards, by massaging the scalp with a brush.

Here's the tip: the more persevering and rigorous you are in your transition, the quicker this phase will be. What's more, once the period is over, your hair will have adopted the routine for good! If you succeed, you can be sure of healthy hair and scalp.